
Towards Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Challenges from Research to Clinics

Registrations are closed

BSC Student


  • UBI Students - 10% Discount
  • Group of 4 or plus - 10% Discount

MSC Student


  • UBI Students - 10% Discount
  • Group of 4 or plus - 10% Discount

PhD Student and Fellow


  • UBI Students - 10% Discount
  • Group of 4 or plus - 10% Discount



  • Group of 4 or plus - 10% Discount

Academic/Post-Doc/Junior Investigator


  • Group of 4 or plus - 10% Discount

Group of 5 undergraduate students


  • BSC and MSC Students with no abstract submission
  • Special price for UBI students - 10% discount
  • Special price for groups of four or more participants from the same institution - 10% discount
  • The discounts are not cumulative, the highest discount will be applied
  • All cancellations must be electronically mailed. Refund of the registration fee will be as follows:
  • The final price after the discount will be applied after registration confirmation and a new quotation will be sent by email
  1. Before November 18th 2023 - 80% refund​
  2. Until January 12th 2023 - 40% refund
  3. No refund on cancelations sent after January 13th 2023

Note: in case of cancelation at any stage, Bank transfer admission fee will not be refunded - applicable to Bank Transfer payments only.

Date & Time
12 February 2023
Start - 08:00
15 February 2023
End - 19:00 UTC

Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde

Av. Infante D. Henrique
6200-506 Covilhã
Castelo Branco Portugal
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