Speakers & Programme

V International Congress in Health Science Research: from molecule to community

Hot Topics III: Dementia: Conventional vs. Alternative therapies
15/02/2023, 11:40 - 15/02/2023, 12:40 (UTC) (1 hour)

Hot Topics III: Dementia:  Conventional vs. Alternative therapies
Assunção Vaz Patto, Associate Professor at Universidade da Beira Interior and Liliana Sousa, Associate Professor at Universidade de Aveiro

Hot-Topic Session: "Dementia: Conventional Vs. Alternative therapies" will be on February 15th, where Maria Vaz Patto (M.D, PhD) and Liliana Sousa (PhD) will discuss their works in the field and respective points of view.

Maria Assunção Vaz Patto (M.D., PhD) is an experienced neurologist and Associate Professor at the University of Beira Interior, at the Faculty of Health Sciences. She works in the areas of Medical and Health Sciences with an emphasis on Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology. She is a founding member and coordinator of the FCS Active Aging Group UBI_ ACT-ING, and in this Hot Topic session will discuss the role of Conventional therapies in Dementia.

Liliana Marques de Sousa (PhD) is an integrated researcher in the AgeingC research group of CINTESIS, at the University of Aveiro, where she has been an Associate Professor with Aggregation since 2004. She combines her teaching activity with research, having coordinated the Permanent Observatory for Social Development (2000-2004), and in this Hot-Topic Session will discuss the role of Alternative therapies in dementia.